Tuesday 21 January 2014

Discover How You Can Instantly DOUBLE Your Results, Gain 84 MORE Hours Of Fat Burning Every Single Week, and Literally Burn Fat EVERY Minute Of Every Day When You Unlock The Power Of The 4 Simple Strategies We Outright GIVE You On This Very Page

if you have ever considered losing weight, either for your personal self image or even for health issues, you have probably heard of this program. Most individuals in their search for the perfect diet or other program for getting skinny do a lot of research on the best working strategy.

They have often tried a multitude of different guides and plans, and found that the idea of sticking to a strict one just doesn’t work. This is the moment when FLF comes into play!

Losing fat shouldn’t be as hard as many people try to make it. People who are desperate to lose fat are often prone to take more risks (something that I try to help you avoid). The truth is that with some basic principles you can make some serious progress toward fat loss without any major effort. Many people have found these tips to make an easy ten pound difference as they get started on a new program. You might thing that these suggestions are really hi-tech or mysterious, but in reality, they are 3 basic principles that have been successful over and over again. Here they are.
  1. Avoid white food. This includes white breads, pastas, many cereal products, and even cracker-type snacks. Think about some other white things too like flour, potato products, rice, and even processed milk and cheese products. Some white foods that are OK for you to eat are cauliflowers, fish, and chicken.
  2. Ditch the sodas and other drinks that have calories, sugar, or even artificial sweeteners. I don’t want you to drink much coffee either. Creamer? No. It’s white, isn’t it? I want you to take in at least half the weight of your body in ounces of water. This means that if you weigh 250 pounds, you should be consuming 125 ounces of water every day. This will be essential for getting the fat loss process in gear.
  3. I’ve already taken you off white products, now you need to do away with wheat products. I don’t care if the package says whole wheat on it or not: it has to go. Check the ingredients of everything you’re eating and if it has wheat in it, don’t eat it.
These three rules are pretty easy to follow, aren’t they? Sure, you’ll have to adjust your habits a little bit, but it really won’t be very hard once you get started. If you consistently adhere to these hints, you will be surprised at the progress you make in just a couple weeks.
Begin making even more progress in your fat loss program: get the Fat Loss today.

  Metabolic Resistance Training™

As mentioned previously, most exercise doesn't do anything for your metabolism over the long term.
Spend 45 minutes on the treadmill and maybe burn 1/10th of one pound of fat.
<Sarcasm> Wow.  That's amazing. </Sarcasm>
Fact is, if you are truly looking to burn fat around the clock, you absolutely must be performing exercise that has a prolonged effect on your metabolism for hours after your session is done.
In fact, research has shown that a specific form of exercise called Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) can increase your metabolism for up to 48 hours post workout – that's TWO DAYS of elevated metabolism from a single 40-minute workout.
Do you know how much MORE fat you'll burn from one of those workouts?
Yes, WAY more than "cardio" or traditional high rep circuit training, that's for sure.
So what exactly is Metabolic Resistance Training™?
MRT is a series of non-competing total body resistance training exercises linked together with incomplete cardiovascular recovery.
Now, that may sound like a mouthful, so let's break it down.  For example, a workout may start with these four movements:

  1. Dumbbell Lunges x 8 reps per side
  2. Dumbbell Chest Press x 8 reps
  3. Goblet Squats x 8 reps
  4. Dumbbell Row x 8 reps per side

No rest between movements.

Because there is no rest between each exercise, there is not enough time for your cardiovascular system to fully recover (i.e. incomplete recovery).
The exercises are "non-competing" because they transition from upper body to lower body, allowing the muscles of your upper body to rest while your lower body works (and vice versa).
Essentially, you're providing a HUGE metabolic stimulus to your entire muscular and cardiovascular systems at the SAME time through strategically designed full body resistance training combined with minimal rest.  This is what allows for an unparalleled exercise-induced increase in metabolism for hours and hours after your session—something we call the AFTERBURN.
You want the afterburn, and with MRT you'll be getting PLENTY of it.
Simply put, when you combine the metabolism power of Metabolic Resistance Training with the hormone-regulating power of Optimized Nutrient Timing, Carb Syncing, and Strategic Overfeeding, the only thing your body can do is respond by burning fat 24/7.
The science is simply too strong, and the program is simply too smart.
Are you ready to instantly DOUBLE your fat loss and begin burning fat EVERY minute of every day?

Are you ready to become our next success story?


The Complete 8-week
24/7 Rapid Fat Loss System

Component 1: The Diet Manual ($197 Value) – This is the full-on “specs” manual that details everything you need to know about the diet including what to eat, when to eat it, detailed food lists, charts, tables, FAQs, and more…
At Joel's Florida office, his dietary program design services start at $197, so when we say you’re getting a real $197 value here, that’s exactly what you’re getting.
And we're not even close to being done.
Component 2: The Training Manual ($197 Value) –  Utilizing the most revolutionary Metabolic Resistance Training workouts ever created, the 24/7 Fat Loss Training Manual contains 8 weeks of brand new, never before seen MRT workouts that have been shown to burn fat and accelerate metabolism for up to 48 hours straight. 
Moreover, each workout was strategically designed to work hand in hand with every single aspect of the diet program, creating the most synergistic combination of diet and exercise techniques possible for the fastest fat loss.
Component 3: Workout Log Sheets ($47 Value) – We had these printable log sheets professionally designed so you can easily record your workouts and have the workout template right there in front of you as you perform each session.  Ultra convenient, ultra beneficial.
Component 4: The 24-hour Fat Loss Timeline ($47 Value)– This component will prove to be one of your most valuable assets for completing each day of the program successfully.  Essentially, we map out the entire day, hour by hour, providing you with simple metabolism boosting, mind-empowering, and fat loss accelerating activities to perform throughout the day to keep you focused and on track.  Print it off, follow it, and watch your results soar.
Component 5: The Exercise Database ($47 Value) – In this manual each and every exercise contained in the 24/7 Fat Loss program is outlined, complete with photos and detailed descriptions of each to ensure you achieve the full fat burning potential of every exercise.
Component 6: The Mindset Database ($47 Value) – Empowering your mind regularly is a huge part of staying motivated to burn fat 24/7, and that's exactly why we created this collection of 5-second mind sharpening exercises for you to pull from on a daily basis.  Believe us, you'll want to go back to this resource regularly when you see just how HUGE of a difference 5 seconds can make. 
Component 7: The Supplemenation Guide ($27 Value) – In this manual we outline the most effective supplementation strategy to use in combination with the 24/7 Fat Loss system to further accelerate results and hasten progress over the course of the 8-week program.

Supplements are not "required" to do this program, but the right plan can make a huge difference and this guide ensures you have the most ideal recommendations, directly from me, to work synergistically with the 24/7 Diet and Training components.
Component 8: Pre-program Quick-start Checklist ($47 Value) – Alright, so you’re just about ready to begin the program and you want to make sure you have everything lined up for success.  Not a problem, as we're also providing you with a detailed step-by-step, itemized checklist to ensure you have everything in place leading up to your “official” first day.
Component 9: The 24/7 Fat Loss Audio Interrogation ($27 Value) – In this 60 minute audio, fat loss expert John Romaniello throws every question he possibly can at us about the 24/7 Fat Loss system and around the clock fat loss in general – and we hold nothing back.

This component also comes with the full transcript of the audio so you can choose to either listen or read.
And today, because you are visiting the page during our $30 OFF Invitation Only Pre-sale, you have the opportunity to get the entire 9-component, $683 package AND the 4 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet bonus for a single, one-time discounted payment of:

$77 $47
But let me warn you, if you are LAZY and are simply looking for a "magic bullet" solution, this is not the program for you. 

The simple fact of the matter is this:  the 24/7 Fat Loss program is NOT a "quick fix."  It's a SMART fix to a very complex problem that consequently yields incredibly fast results. 

Oh, and did we mention that you'll probably even GAIN a couple pounds of firm, calorie-burning lean muscle while you lose fat at record speed?  That's unheard of.  But the reality is that we've had clients do it over and over again, and you will too.

At the same time, we want to make sure we're being very clear:  make no mistake, this program takes work, and if you're one of these people who simply can't fully dedicate
8 short weeks to radically changing their body—a change that you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your LIFE—then please, do not invest in this system.

But for those of you who are
serious, those who are ready to put for the effort, the 24/7 Fat Loss system will absolutely give you every tool you need to immediately DOUBLE your rate of fat loss and experience the rapid fat loss results you deserve—GUARANTEED.

"But What if it Doesn't Work For Me?"
Then It's ALL FREE.
Listen, we know this system works, as do the many individuals who have already experienced its rapid fat loss power first hand.  But at the same time, we understand that you still may be skeptical, and as such we want to do everything we can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you.

And for that exact reason, here's what we're going to do for you:  for each and every customer who orders, we're going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:

Simply put, if you follow the 24/7 Fat Loss 8-week program exactly as outlined in the materials, and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results you achieve from doing so, just contact us and we'll refund your money.  It's that simple.
We stand behind our product and the rapid results you will achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.


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